Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Do you want to spice up your yahoo messenger.These are some of the official emotions by yahoo.You won’t find these in the emotion menu, but you can send them by typing the symbols directly into an instant message.

puppy dog eyes - New! :o 3 puppy dog eyes – New!
I don't know - New! :-? ? I don’t know – New!
not listening %-( not listening
pig :@) pig
cow 3:-O cow
monkey :( |) monkey
chicken ~:> chicken
rose @};- rose
good luck %%- good luck
flag **== flag
pumpkin (~~) pumpkin
coffee ~O) coffee
idea *-:) idea
skull 8-X skull
bug =:) bug
alien >-) alien
frustrated :-L frustrated

praying [-O< praying
money eyes $-) money eyes
whistling :-” whistling
feeling beat up b-( feeling beat up
peace sign :) >- peace sign
shame on you [-X shame on you
dancing \:D/ dancing
bring it on >:/ bring it on
hee hee ;) ) hee hee
chatterbox :-@ chatterbox
not worthy ^:)^ not worthy
oh go on :-j oh go on
star (*) star
hiro o-> hiro
billy o=> billy
april o-+ april


There are a few secret parameters you can add to Google Talk and make it function differently. Following is the list of parameters

/nomutex: This allows you to open more than one instance of Google Talk
/autostart: Starts on it's own.
/forcestart: It forces it to start no matter what option was set.
/factoryreset: set settings back to default.
/S upgrade: Used when upgrading Google Talk
/register: This registers Google Talk in the registry, includig GMail Compose method.
/checkupdate: This keeps on checking for newer versions
/plaintextauth: It makes use of plain authentication mechanism instead then Google's GAIA mechanism.
/nogaiaauth: This disables GAIA authentication method. The same as above.
/gaiaserver servername.com: uses a different GAIA server to connect to Google Talk. Used for debug purposes only, there are no other known GAIA servers.
/mailto email@host.com: send an email with Gmail
/diag: start Google Talk in diagnostic mode

Most of them can be ued in the following way

Rifgt- click on the desktop.
Select "New " >>>"Shortcut"
Now browse through "My COMPUTER">>>"C:/">>>>"Program Files">>>>"Google">>"Google Talk">>>"Gtalk.exe"
Now add the extention that you want.
eg:- "......../gtalk.exe"/log.



It's possible to broadcast music, MP3, etc.. through Google Talk.
Unplug your microphone. Double click on the speaker icon in the lower right corner. This will open up "Volume Control". Select "Options" and then "Properties". Then check the button next to "Recording" then click OK. You may also have to change your setting under Mixer Device. Now the Recording Control screen should be up. On my computer I selected "Wave Out Mix". Click on the green phone in Google Talk and call your friend.


When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.

Finding IP address in Gmail

1. Using your id/password, login to Gmail.

2. Open the mail for which you wish to find the IP of the sender.

3. Click on the inverted triangle placed just next to Reply. Click on Show Original

4. You now need to look for Received:from followed by the IP within square brackets [ ] e.g. Received: from ge3.i-nonymous.com (ge3.i-nonymous.com [])

5. Also importantly, there are times when you might find multiple Received: from entries, in that case, please select the last one as the valid choice.


Server with one step login can be accessed via this method.

Not For all Websites

If you have the html and javascript knowledge then you can access password protected websites.
1. Open the website you want to hack. Provide wrong username-password in its log in form.

(e.g : Username : me and Password: ' or 1=1 --)

An error will occur saying wrong username-password. Now be prepared

Your experiment starts from here...

2. Right click anywhere on that error page =>> go to view source.

3. There you can see the html codings with javascripts.

4. There you find somewhat like this.... <_form action="..login....">
< =..login....>

5. Before this login information<=__LOGIN> copy the url of the site in which you are.

(e.g :"<_form..........action=http://www.targetwebsite.com/login.......><..........=HTTP: com="">")<..........=HTTP: com="">

6. Then delete the javascript from the above that validates your information in the server.(Do this very carefully, ur success to hack the site depends upon this i.e how efficiently you delete the javascripts that validate ur account information)

7. Then take a close look for "<_input name="password" type="password">"[without quotes] -> replace "<_type=text> " there <=TEXT>instead of "<_type=password>"<=TEXT><=>. See there if maxlength of password is less than 11 then increase it to 11 (e.g : if then write )

8. Just go to file => save as and save it any where in your hardisk with ext.html(e.g: c:\eg.html)

9. Reopen your target web page by double clicking eg.html' file that you have saved.

10. U see that some changes in current page as compared to original One. Don't get worried.

11. Provide any username[e.g:hacker] and password[e.g:' or 1=1 --]

Congrats!!!!!! You have successfully cracked the above website and entered into the account of Ist user saved in the server's database.

[Please read "_form"="form" & "_type"="type" & "_input"="input" without quotes]

The above trick won't work on the websites using latest technique to protect there servers. But you can find many sites !!
Enjoy !!

Monday, June 29, 2009



For this, you will only need to download WinRAR. You just need to have a little knowledge about Command Prompt and have WinRAR installed.

1. Gather all the files that you wish to hide in a folder anywhere in your PC (make it in C:\hidden - RECOMMENDED).

2. Now, add those files in a RAR archive (e.g. secret.rar). This file should also be in the same directory (C:\hidden).

3. Now, look for a simple JPEG picture file (e.g. logo.jpg). Copy/Paste that file also in C:\hidden.

4. Now, open Command Prompt (Go to Run and type ‘cmd‘). Make your working directory C:\hidden.

5. Now type: “COPY /b logo.jpg + secret.rar output.jpg” (without quotes) - Now, logo.jpg is the picture you want to show, secret.rar is the file to be hidden, and output.jpg is the file which contains both.

6. Now, after you have done this, you will see a file output.jpg in C:\hidden. Open it (double-click) and it will show the picture you wanted to show. Now try opening the same file with WinRAR, it will show the hidden archive .

Saturday, June 27, 2009

iPhone unlock in 7 easy steps

Tutorial: iPhone Unlock in 7 Easy Steps

iphone unlock downloadThe wait is over. For me that wait was painfully long as I bought an iPhone on launch day only to have to wait until just a few minutes ago to make my first phone call. I passed the time by following the exploits of the guys in #iphone.unlock on undernet who were brave enough to open their iPhone and apply George Hotz’s now infamous hardware hack. But the real juice was in unlocking your iPhone from AT&T without the need to open it. None of that would have happened without the hard work of many different people and groups inlcuding the iPhone Dev Team, the dozens of testers and code wizards in IRC (Daeken, geohot, zappaz, gray, guest184 etc), and of course the guys at iphonesimfree for discovering the buffer exploit that unlocked the phones to begin with. *Editor: This post was modified heavily to include a much more detailed iPhone unlocking tutorial. Read on!
So what’s done is done, and the iPhone is now truly unlocked and usable on any carrier, without having to open it. iUnlock was officially released by the iPhone Dev Team but it should be mentioned again that it was the work of well over a dozen dedicated people. Keep in mind that if you expect their to be updates to this stuff, you should make a donation to at least one of the groups I mentioned above.

Unlock the iPhone in OS X – 7 Easy Steps

I have all the files you need and a quick guide for performing the unlock on OS X below. A huge thanks to my Russian friend (guest184) in #iphone.unlock on undernet for putting the guts of this together before going to sleep. I just tested it and it worked fine for me on my iPhone here in Asia on Thai GSM and TRUE. I unlocked several more phones with others to verify the steps. If you need help post in the channel and I will do my best to assist, but I am no expert!
Before you Begin: Restore your iPhone to Apple factory settings and install the 1.0.2 update. This can be done by putting the iPhone into recovery mode. This is done by holding both the select and sleep buttons for 25 seconds while your iPhone is docked. Do this until it reboots and returns with a yellow sign reading: Connect to iTunes. Fire up iTunes. Choose Restore. To confirm your version, go to Settings > General > About > Version on the iPhone.
Warning: These tools are not perfect and while it is quite rare, it is always possbile to brick your iPhone when messing with the firmware, and file structure. Also be sure to set your Settings > General > Auto-Lock to Never. You’ve been warned.
Step 1 – Jailbreaking with iNdependence
You need to jailbreak your iPhone in order to write files to it. There is a lot written about this and it is pretty simple to do (1 click) but it often causes problems. A good tool for doing this is either iNdependence, or iFuntastic. iNdependence works best for me so that is what I will show here. The latest version of iFuntastic (v3.x) installed a lot of uneccesary stuff on my iPhone so I avoided it.
Jailbreak your iPhone
This tripped me up! iNdependence performed consistant jailbreaks for me but it asks for the iPhone firmware files. This is a 92mb download you can grab here. Now you need to rename this file .zip and then unzip it somewhere so you can point to it when iNdependence asks for it. As it’s running you should see this:
Step 2 – Activation
You need to activate the iPhone now. Again this is a 1 click solution from within iNdependence, and it will again ask for the iPhone firmware files from the last step. After some rebooting you should be activated and can now check out the iPhone interface etc. Easy so far!
Step 3 – SSH and Installer
Now we need some tools, specifially SSH installed on the iPhone. In order to do this you need to install installer.app from NullRiver. Others had success installing SSH right from iNdependence but sadly it wouldn’t happen for me.
Install AppTapp
Installer is readyInstaller really kicks ass and will open up a whole new world of iPhone apps you never knew existed. You will really be surprised at what is already available for free. Be sure to set up your wi-fi settings because Installer is so smart it just downloads stuff straight from the internet to your iPhone. Right now we are interested in installing the following in this order:

  • BSD Subsystem (v1.5 currently – adds some FreeBSD tools)

  • Community Sources (v2.5 – adds tons of community maintained homebrew apps, yay!)

  • Installer (v2.63 – Installs stuff!)

  • OpenSSH (v4.6x – allows us to SSH to the iPhone)

  • Alright if those apps installed okay you should be able to SSH to your iphone (user: root / password: dottie):
    ssh root@your.iphone.ip
    Change your password!
    Be sure and change the root password at some point – now is a perfect time:
    passwd root
    Step 4 – Copy the Needed Files
    Okay you can remove the SIM from your phone, we won’t need it until the end of the procedure. Now we need to copy some files from the zip I provided onto the iPhone and get hacking. You can simply do this step with any SFTP client like Transmit, whcih is what I did. Put the files from the zip onto your iphone into these locations, you will not need to create any folders:

    SFTP to the iPhone
    Step 5 – Hack the iPhone
    Login to iPhone via SSH and execute the following, everything should be cool but be sure to watch for errors. The NOR dump/patch will take about 20 minutes so grab some Corn Pops:
    chmod +x /bin/iunlock
    chmod +x /bin/bbupdater
    mkdir /usr/local
    mkdir /usr/local/etc
    /bin/launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist
    iunlock ice.fls nor
    bbupdater -v

    NOR Dumping
    Step 6 – tweak the Modem Settings
    Now we need to tweak the modem a bit. Again in SSH run:
    minicom -s
    It will yammer about no config file found which is just fine. Select serial port setup, and change /dev/modem to /dev/tty.baseband, save setup as dfl, exit.
    config the modem
    You now should have intialized the modem and are dumped to a command line within minicom 2.2. You are so close now it’s not even funny. Type:
    and then
    Both command shoud result in an OK response from minicom.
    Step 7 – Dance Around the Room
    Reboot the iPhone and slap your SIM card in now. You should now be basking in the warm glow of having a fully unlocked iPhone. If not don’t despair. These tools are not perfect and not everyone pulls off the unlock on their first attempt (me included). If you have a problem, a restore and restarting the procedure over again can very likely yield different results.
    If you have difficulty you may also want to check out GeeZuZz’s excellent unlocking resource, the Hackint0sh forums, or jump in Undernet on IRC, #iphone.unlock for a live chat